CoE - Global Customs and Trade Analyst

  • Lieu :
    Krakow, Poland
  • Centre d'intérêt
  • Type de poste
  • Intérêt pour la technologie
  • ID de poste

Global Customs and Trade Analyst

(Global Tax and Customs)

The Cisco Global Customs team runs Cisco's customs compliance and related trade activities. This includes responsibility for compliance around the importation of international cross-border shipments, identifying and assessing global risks, developing world-class customs tools, and working effectively with internal business partners to develop end-to-end processes and solutions. We are organized with teams covering their geographical theatres, as well as vertically specialized key trade related policies and processes such as Valuation, Origin, Classification, Risk and Audit.

The Position

This is a front & back-office role. The finalist will closely partner with Cisco’s Global Tax & Customs Team and various corporate compliance functions and business units to ensure swift management of Trade Compliance information needed to expedite real time trade transactions for Cisco’s internal and external shipments.

The individual will be responsible for contributing towards optimization of company's customs operations across various international markets, analyze and review customs documentation, such as import declarations and shipping documents, to ensure accuracy and adherence to relevant regulations and internal policies. The analyst will support the team in ensuring compliance with international trade regulations, working to mitigate customs risks that could lead to delays, fines, or other penalties, and will contribute to the decision-making process. By identifying areas for improvement in customs processes, the individual will help streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve overall efficiency.


  • Receive and solve written requests to update, revise or modify Trade Compliance-related data on shipping documentation.
  • Monitor and maintain internal database of reference tables to handle exceptions and requirements for shipping documentation.
  • Analyze correctness and compliance of Cisco shipping documentation
  • Liaise with Technical Support Teams on technical issues, system enhancements.
  • Participate in recurring customs brokerage trade compliance assessments.
  • Support programs and initiatives by monitoring updates in customs regulations.
  • Conduct the unauthorized brokerage analysis.
  • Investigate the correctness and compliance of customs clearance data using customs authorities reports.
  • Create and maintain operational user guides and process documentation.
  • Build, design, enhance and maintain reporting and metrics.
  • Perform data analysis and data mining activities to support decision making around Trade Compliance.

Minimum Qualifications

  • Mid-level specialist with relevant experience in Trade, Customs, Export, Logistics or related fields (1,5 – 6 years of experience in the field).
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills, fluency in English.

Preferred Qualifications & Experience

  • A BA/MA in finance, international trade, logistics, trade regulatory compliance an advantage.
  • Holistic understanding of trade compliance areas including country of origin, valuation, classification, shipping documentation.
  • Ability to identify issues and communicate effectively with internal business partners.
  • Experience in dealing with multiple and global business functions.
  • Demonstrated commitment to growth and development of skills.
  • Experience in project management, including basic planning and coordination tasks to support project success.
  • Analytical, research and data mining skills.
  • Strong collaboration and business partnership skills.

Why Cisco

#WeAreCisco. We are all unique, but collectively we bring our talents to work as a team, to develop innovative technology and power a more inclusive, digital future for everyone. How do we do it? Well, for starters – with people like you!

Nearly every internet connection around the world touches Cisco. We’re the Internet’s optimists. Our technology makes sure the data travelling at light speed across connections does so securely, yet it’s not what we make but what we make happen which marks us out. We’re helping those who work in the health service to connect with patients and each other; schools, colleges and universities to teach in even the most challenging of times. We’re helping businesses of all shapes and size to connect with their employees and customers in new ways, providing people with access to the digital skills they need and connecting the most remote parts of the world – whether through 5G, or otherwise.

We tackle whatever challenges come our way. We have each other’s backs, we recognise our accomplishments, and we grow together. We celebrate and support one another – from big and small things in life to big career moments. And giving back is in our DNA (we get 10 days off each year to do just that).

We know that powering an inclusive future starts with us. Because without diversity and a dedication to equality, there is no moving forward. Our 30 Inclusive Communities, that bring people together around commonalities or passions, are leading the way. Together we’re committed to learning, listening, caring for our communities, whilst supporting the most vulnerable with a collective effort to make this world a better place either with technology, or through our actions.

So, you have colorful hair? Don’t care. Tattoos? Show off your ink. Like polka dots? That’s cool. Pop culture geek? Many of us are. Passion for technology and world changing? Be you, with us! #WeAreCisco


Message aux candidats à l'emploi aux États-Unis et/ou Canada. :

Lorsqu’elle est disponible, la fourchette salariale affichée pour ce poste reflète l’échelle d’embauche prévue pour les salaires des nouveaux embauchés aux États-Unis et/ou Canada. Pour les postes non liés à la vente, les fourchettes d’embauche reflètent uniquement le salaire de base; les employés sont également admissibles à des primes annuelles. Les fourchettes d’embauche pour les postes de vente comprennent la rémunération de base et la rémunération incitative. La rémunération individuelle est déterminée par le lieu d’embauche du candidat et par d’autres facteurs, notamment les compétences, l’expérience et les études, certifications ou formations pertinentes. Les candidats peuvent ne pas être admissibles à la fourchette complète des salaires en fonction de leur lieu d’embauche aux États-Unis ou Canada. Le recruteur peut vous donner plus d'informations sur la rémunération du poste dans votre lieu au cours du processus de recrutement.

Les employés américains ont accès à une assurance médicale, dentaire et visuelle de qualité, à un régime 401(k) avec une contribution équivalente de Cisco, à une couverture d’invalidité à court et à long terme, à une assurance vie de base et à de nombreuses prestations de bien-être. Les employés reçoivent jusqu’à douze jours fériés payés par année civile, qui comprennent un jour férié flottant, plus un jour de congé pour leur anniversaire. Les employés peuvent cumuler jusqu'à 20 jours de congés payés (PTO) par an et ont accès à des absences payées pour faire face à des problèmes critiques ou urgents sans avoir à puiser dans leurs congés. Nous offrons du temps supplémentaire rémunéré pour faire du bénévolat et rendre service à la communauté. Les employés peuvent également acheter des actions de l’entreprise dans le cadre de notre Programme d’achat d’actions pour les employés.

Les employés participant à des plans de vente reçoivent, en plus de leur salaire de base, une rémunération incitative fondée sur les performances, qui est répartie entre les composantes sur quota et non. Pour la rémunération incitative basée sur des quotas, Cisco paie au taux standard de 1 % de la cible incitative pour chaque 1 % de chiffre d’affaires réalisé par rapport au quota jusqu’à 100 %. Une fois que la performance dépasse 100 % du quota, les taux incitatifs peuvent augmenter jusqu’à cinq fois le taux standard sans plafonnement de la rémunération incitative. Pour les éléments de performance des ventes non basés sur des quotas, tels que les objectifs de vente stratégiques, Cisco peut payer jusqu’à 125 % de l’objectif. Les plans de vente de Cisco ne prévoient pas de seuil minimum de performance pour le versement de la rémunération incitative des ventes.
